Adult. Note: yellow lores and yellow feet.
  • Adult. Note: yellow lores and yellow feet.
  • Juvenile. Note: yellow/green legs.
  • Note: yellow feet.

Hover over to view. Click to enlarge.

Snowy Egret

Egretta thula
The herons, ibises and allies are large birds, most with long legs and necks. Many live on or near water where they wade in search of prey. Many breed in colonies. This order has five families worldwide, of which two are represented in Washington:
Herons and egrets are wading birds that generally inhabit wetlands and slow-moving waters. Most are long-legged, and they hunt by waiting motionless, peering into the water, watching for prey. The majority are colony nesters, often raising young in colonies of mixed species. Monogamy is the norm, although pair bonds usually last for a single breeding season. Both parents help build the nest. Typically, the male brings material, and the female constructs the nest, which is usually built of sticks. Both parents incubate, and both feed the young by regurgitation.

    General Description

    Rare but regular visitor to eastern and western Washington, now seen annually. Most occur in spring (peak May).

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